
Customer Testimonials

At Precision Motor Worx, we take pride in offering the best customer experience to Airdrie, AB, Crossfield, AB and Beiseker, AB.
We strive to provide our customers with the best experience possible each visit.


Amazing customer experience. Shahraz was great to deal with. No pressure at all with the sales process!!!!

Graham Ingham

I have been taking my vehicles here for 3 years now! I wouldn’t trust anyone else! Great job Shahraz!

Joe Conrod

Amazing service. Shahraz goes above and beyond to help a customer always. Honest and reliable.

Tanya Galbiati
Your Experience

Don’t forget to rate your service and tell us how we did. By sharing your thoughts, you will help us grow.


I have my out-of-the province vehicle inspection done by Shahraz. Job well done! Thanks!


I will only go here in the future for all mechanic issues/oil changes! Thank you for everything!
