Cooling System Repair

Cooling System Repair

The cooling system of a vehicle comprises several components, including a cooling fan, water pump, thermostat, radiator, heater core, heater valve, and various others, all working in tandem to disperse and expel heat from the engine. Its primary function is to regulate the engine’s temperature and prevent potential overheating. Heat can accumulate in various areas of the engine, posing risks. Once the engine reaches its maximum operating temperature, the thermostat opens, allowing antifreeze to flow from the engine to the radiator, initiating a circulation process to absorb excess heat. Additionally, the antifreeze serves to prevent other engine fluids from boiling or freezing. Upon passing through the engine, the antifreeze returns to the radiator, where excess heat dissipates through the radiator’s walls. The cooling fan aids in cooling the antifreeze, preparing it for re-release into the engine to further mitigate heat buildup.

Why Choose Us For Cooling System Repair?

Over time, antifreeze gradually deteriorates, diminishing its effectiveness. If not drained and replaced, aged antifreeze can result in corrosion. During a cooling system flush and refill procedure, our team will remove the old antifreeze from the radiator, flush the cooling system thoroughly, and replenish the radiator with fresh antifreeze. The cooling fan in the cooling system functions by circulating air through the radiator, expelling excess heat from the engine. Should the cooling fan malfunction, it may cause engine overheating. During a comprehensive inspection of the cooling system service, our skilled technicians will assess the cooling fan for any signs of damage and inspect the fan belt for cracks. Given that the radiator is tasked with cooling the antifreeze as it moves through the cooling system, any leaks or ruptured radiator hoses could result in significant engine issues. To detect potential leaks or radiator damage, we conduct a radiator pressure test. Ultimately, neglecting fundamental cooling system and radiator maintenance could necessitate a radiator replacement and incur substantial engine or radiator repairs in the future.